our history
The history of South Metro Professional Firefighters Local 2086 has a very diverse and storied past. Over the last three decades several departments have consolidated their own services into one large department which have resulted in more personnel, improvement in responses to the citizens and cost savings. Below is a timeline showing how we got to where we are today.
- Littleton Fire Department 1890-2018 (Local 2086)
- Cherry Hills Fire Department 1941-1989 (Local 2164)
- Cunningham Fire Protection District 1950-2017 (Local 3027)
- Castlewood Fire Protection District 1951-1998 (Local 2463)
- Parker Fire Department 1958-2008 (Local 3324)
- Louviers Fire Protection District 1968-1999
- Castle Pines Fire Department consolidated 1986
- North Douglas County Fire Department consolidated 1986
- South Metro Fire Rescue 1998-Current (Local 2463, 2164, 2086)
Castle Pines and North Douglas County Fire Department’s began the consolidation movement when the two entities merged with the Castlewood Fire Department.
The Cherry Hills Fire Department (Local 2164) merged with Castlewood (Local 2463).
Castlewood Fire Department was renamed to South Metro Fire Rescue to better align with the area served and unify the past departments that had joined forces.
Brought another consolidation when Louviers Fire Department merged with South Metro.
Parker Fire Department (Local 3324) consolidated and merged with South Metro.
Brought another merge when Cunningham Fire Protection District (Local 3027) joined South Metro. In 2018, the Littleton Fire Department merged with South Metro.
The Littleton Fire Department merged with South Metro.

At the time of the merge with Littleton, Littleton Professional Firefighters (L2086) had a lower Local number than South Metro Professional Firefighters (L2164). South Metro Professional Firefighters kept the lower number, and the IAFF retired the 2164 number. At the conclusion of all the mergers South Metro became the second largest fire department in the state of Colorado. Currently South Metro Professional Firefighters Local 2086 has 550 active members who staff 30 stations.